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Height/Normals Issues

polycounter lvl 2
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CrisisMode polycounter lvl 2

I am working on my entry for the current Substance Painter contest and am running into a few issues.  The big one at the moment is that painting height and normals doesn't seem to 'pop' the way I am seeing in other submissions.  I am working at 2048 res, the shader parameters are at 64 spp.  At this point I am already pushing my computer unfortunately.  I was told that the lighting would effect how much my normals pop but the contest has rules for environment rotation.  I am new to Substance so maybe there is a setting somewhere that I am unaware of.

My stitches just aren't looking right to me, nor do buttons.  I am cranking height and they still don't seem to pop or look as fine as other peoples work, which means I am doing something wrong; I just don't know what it is.

The attachment shows more specifically what I am running into.  The button eye and body stitches were done by painting with just height.  The mouth stitches have full height but I also had the normal parameter selected and used the 'line' normal.  They do look better, but still not quite right?

I'd really appreciate any help.  I have been working at it for days, but I know it isn't good enough with these stiches looking the way they do.  They have no volume.

The stitch generator alpha never looks better than the above either.

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