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I am looking for some suggestions as to how to continue my study of 3d design

polycounter lvl 7
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oraeles77 polycounter lvl 7
i need some advice regarding whatg steps to take regarding my self-study of 3d design.

i began studying 3d design in 2013, while living in japan, as i wanted to broaden by career prospects, i studied art formally at university many years ago, but i never did anything with computers like digital deisgn etc before this. i dont know anything about coding or java or python etc.

 since then I have learnt...
Kerkythea (for learning how to render scenes)
Unity 4-5 (importing objects/adding materials)
Blender (mesh creation, baking, UV mapping)
Substance Designer
Substance Painter (sadly it crashes if I select 4096x maps so i seldom use it)
Marvelous Designer (i have made some interesting garments but i havent done anything with them outside of MD)

when i first started i spent a few months learning the basics using Packt guides and Sketchup, i wanted to learn the basics of game design and the basic concepts of good modelling and making nice clean models which i would export to Unity.

gradually i moved on to Blender but i found the learning curve of Blender very steep and there were many things i had to learn from experience, for example how different files types work in different software.

i felt like i have wasted months on Unity and Blender because of small problems with those software leasing me to go around in circles, rather than learning new stuff.

for the last year i have been learning Marvelous Designer, Substance Deisgner and substance Painter, however for the last 2 months I have been working on a scene with 'legacy' shaders.

i orginally tried to keep an open mind when i first began studying 3d, so that i could do lots of different thnigs, but gradually i have been drifiting towards game design assets, like objects, characters or scenary.

so thats my background, could some of you suggest some things i could do to continue my study? i recently moved back to the UK. however a full time/part time higher edcuation course is out of the question because of the cost, but a part time short course could be a possibility.


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