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[WIP] Little Mine

polycounter lvl 6
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invaderZim polycounter lvl 6
Hey everyone, 

I've made a little resolution to post more my WIP work building whilst developing my projects in order to try and help maintain my enthusiasm whilst working as I tend to abandon most projects before I finish! haha >_< 

So, im working on a little diorama of a mine. So far I've only sculpted a basic shape and now ive started making a tilable texture to begin layering down. Texture has been started in zbrush and is being continued in substance, though I need to make a bunch more graphs of things to use on it, such as pebbles and a noise that will go into the AO cracks between the rocks to make them less smooth.

Obviously its all WIP so the colours are all placeholder and can be changed whenever I feel like it and when I balance it all out later. I'm thinking that I'll probably bake it down into a few maps once its all textured so that I can get it into a 3d viewer. Least thats the end goal for now.


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