I'm so close to finishing the computer games animation course I'm doing at the moment and I'm in a little bit of a panic as for where to go. I haven't updated my portfolio website in over a year and now I'm looking for rigs to play with and get an idea of what i might be expected to use in industry as well as updating my portfolio for animations. any and all kinds of rigs are welcome and greatly appreciated (be they facial animation rigs, character rigs, animal rigs or mechanical rigs etc) 3ds max preferable however I'm told both max and Maya work essentially the same for animation
Thanks in advance guys
Not everything you find will be industry quality but still good stuff.
There's also a giant sticky topic dealing with just this.
Studios don't care what rig you use as long as you have good animation.
you can look at Adobe Mixamo as well, lower spec assets, but there're a few decent looking characters. They'll have game ready skeleton and skin weights but no real rigging. Compatible with HIK, and with a little jury rigging, should work with Biped/CAT as well.