Hey everybody,
First time posting here on polycount. I've been
working on this scene for a few months and figured I would share my
results. This is based pretty closely on my favorite local donut shop.
As this was my first time attempting an environment in Unreal 4, I
wasn't really aiming for greatness. My main goal was just to gain a
better understanding of the engine, which I feel I did. I wish I had
picked a scene more fitting of a game environment, but I guess I will
spend more time planning my next project. I'm quite ready to move on
and apply what I have learned to the next one, but if anyone has any
suggestions I would love to hear them.
Oh, and special thanks to
cmc444 for creating "King Wash". I was blown away by that scene, but
also drew motivation from knowing that it wasn't his first attempt. I
have a tendency when seeing amazing work to think people just start that
good, and it was very encouraging to know it's a process for everyone.