For our 2nd year project, a group of 4 students had about 3 months to create something in Unreal 4. We decided to make a realtime trailer and submitted the gold version yesterday!
Crit is welcome!
Edit (23/05): We were selected to have a chance to spend 3/4 weeks polishing this project after our handin for a chance to be in our Uni's film day. Below is the current version.
After a terraforming malfunctioning on the surface of a beta colony planet, a humble assistant bot is all that's left to recover survivors and save (some of) mankind.
Our aim was to create an aesthetically pleasing, and eerily serene environment that you just want to throw yourself into, all within the Unreal Engine. We're willing to improve so crit is welcome! Watch this space as we hope to be consistently updating with better shots!
Special Thanks to Daniel Cuirlizza for the music and Chris Periera for texturing the waterfall building.
Nicholas Slaney - Technical Art and Lighting
Anita Mensah - Organic Modeling and Texturing
Ross Soon - Hard Surface Modeling and Texturing (Exteriors)
Aidan Jeffs - Hard Surface Modeling and Texturing
- voices.com
- taira-komori.jpn.org
- Soundbible
- FreeSFX
We've made some jumps from our Alpha version to our Gold version that has been so satisfying!
You can watch the Alpha and Beta trailer cuts below too!
We really owe it to Nick for the shader and lighting work.
Cool, your "Gold" submission looks great, best of luck with the final push!
We were flattered to be considered for the Digital Expose/Film Day. Here are the last changes we made, to really fix things up.