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the Comfort Zone of Subtance Painter Polycount

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 I've recently completed something from ZBrush, around 3mil triangles, then import to Substance Painter 2.6, most of operations goes well, however, when I needed to add a colored mask for different ID, the SubP just froze, do not using any hardware resources and just not responding. Anyone have idea?


  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    My guess is the 3 mil mesh.

    Substance painter isn't really made for subdiv high poly meshes, I can kinda make it work without crashing on my way over the top expensive computer but it really isn't recommended, stick to midpoly or baked lp meshes.
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    if you want to paint on high res models you need mari
  • VickiVampiress
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    VickiVampiress polycounter lvl 3
    I'm with Jonas on this one. I also feel Substance Painter isn't really meant for painting high poly models. I would stick to low and mid poly as well. Seems to work a lot quicker too. It kind of makes sense, with how popular Substance is among game designers, where triangle counts matter.
  • hexflow
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    hexflow polycounter lvl 4
    Aabel said:
    if you want to paint on high res models you need mari
    Or stay within Zbrush and polypaint it
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    hexflow said:
    Or stay within Zbrush and polypaint it
    much to low resolution... 
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    The crash when picking an ID map is a regression in 2.6 and will be fixed in the upcoming 2.6.1, nothing to do with the polycount in this case :)
    A workaround is to make sure your ID map has the same resolution as your texture set.

    I've worked on 10M triangle meshes in Painter without any issue (particle painting do get reaaaaaly slow though), right now the bottelneck is more the amount of texture data but the tool can handle pretty high poly assets.
  • MasterOfKML
    Jerc said:
    The crash when picking an ID map is a regression in 2.6 and will be fixed in the upcoming 2.6.1, nothing to do with the polycount in this case :)
    A workaround is to make sure your ID map has the same resolution as your texture set.

    I've worked on 10M triangle meshes in Painter without any issue (particle painting do get reaaaaaly slow though), right now the bottelneck is more the amount of texture data but the tool can handle pretty high poly assets.
    Gottya, thank you very much
  • Reststopkirk
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    Reststopkirk polycounter lvl 4
    Yesterday I baked all maps at 4k. When color picking Mat ID for material mask, crashed over and over. I re-baked Mat ID at 1k only, and it worked as it should, no crash.

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