Hi, I'm trying for the first time to apply a custom substance designer material in substance painter. For some reason the material looks rather differently in the 3d view of painter in comparison to the sd viewer.
Any advise of what can I do to get the same result in sp?.
As far a I can see, the sd version looks way more glossy and the height map doesn't influences as it does in the sd view (both apps have the height intensity set in 3).


Thanks in advance.
If you want a parralax effect like the one in Designer, you need to activate it in the shader setting in Substance Painter (this is only available in Painter 2.6 and later), you'll be able to setup the parallax force there.
Now for the difference in glossiness/roughness, make sure your outputs have the right usages set up. What outputs do you have in Designer and what channels do you have in Painter?
In Painter the height channel is used to generate normal map data, so if you already have a normal output, you may want to simply rename your height output into a displacement one directly to avoid applying twice the same normal information and actually see parallax in Painter.