If a human is about 200 units in Maya (with working units on cm), but 90% of the characters in the game are giant monsters that are over 4,000 units, should they be made to scale? This is for UE4.
I feel like they should be made to size just for a realistic consistency, but I'm afraid it might cause performance issues or rigging problems.
I don't think a smaller rig did this. Also if I move the controller too fast Maya freezes up and crashes. Could this be the scale? Or maybe Maya being a butt.
Also animation considerations which might be as simple as speed/scale ratio formula to match a desired scale ( slo mo'd fer Giants )
Which is something like square root of scale yer werkn' on multiplied by the animation timeline's fps?
( tho thinking about as much in consideration of export/importing and game behavior hurts my tiny brain )