I was really pleasantly surprised to read about this. I'm actually finally playing Darksiders 2, (after having owned it for years) and I'm enjoying it at least as much as I enjoyed Darksiders 1. I'm stoked to see what you guys have up your sleeves.
Definitely has a Crysis 2 ( perhaps new advancement of the PBR version of Darksiders 2? ) vibe that is as cool as the stylized excess of the originals. Are the original Vigil team ( Like Gunfire/Crytek usa's David Adams influence perhaps explaining the Cryengine look? ) involved in part?
Definitely has a Crysis 2 ( perhaps new advancement of the PBR version of Darksiders 2? ) vibe that is as cool as the stylized excess of the originals. Are the original Vigil team ( Like Gunfire/Crytek usa's David Adams influence perhaps explaining the Cryengine look? ) involved in part?
We're still together. It's the same core team from Vigil and almost exactly the same core art team that did the majority of DS2. I was a senior artist on DS2 and now Im leading the environment art team. Colin Post was the environment lead on DS2 and is now the art director of Gunfire. There are a lot of other senior and core leads from Vigil. Gunfire was started with all former Vigil / Crytek USA Leads and we have since added dozens of former co-workers.
FUCK MEEE!! @Progg you gotta tell us up if you're planning on extending that art team or take on contractors!! GAh I'm such a fanboy. Awesome job pushing the fidelity of the art style while still keeping the core aesthetic! Great news! Made my day for sure!
FUCK MEEE!! @Progg you gotta tell us up if you're planning on extending that art team or take on contractors!! GAh I'm such a fanboy. Awesome job pushing the fidelity of the art style while still keeping the core aesthetic! Great news! Made my day for sure!
We are looking for a few more. I believe a junior environment artist (preferably here in Austin or close by) and a character artist. We're always looking for strong portfolios from mid and seniors in character and environment too.
Best news I've heard all week. I couldn't get enough of the first two and now we are getting a 3rd. The progression so far looks fantastic guys. Keep it up.
Really looking forward to this. It was my great pleasure to work on the 2nd one, and I'm really excited to see what the old gang comes up with for this new one. There were some ups & downs during my time at Vigil, but when asked, I still tell people it was one of the most fun games I've ever worked on, and I really learned so much from my coworkers there.
That is great news, I enjoyed the first one. Unfortunately I couldn't play Darksider 2 longer than 5 minutes before I got dizzy from the camera. I tried it a few times and hoped for a fov adjustment in the "remastered" version, but no luck.
Looking forward to see Darksider 3, with adjustable FOV hopefully
Thanks everybody who continues to push for the finish of the series!
I was afraid it may become vaporware after THQ went under, I'm glad this franchise is continuing.
Vigil guys still in Austin
looks awesome!
Awesome job pushing the fidelity of the art style while still keeping the core aesthetic!
Great news! Made my day for sure!
There's also a few contract QA positions.
Send info to : jobs@gunfiregames.com
A few more early screenshots on the IGN First Look
Unfortunately I couldn't play Darksider 2 longer than 5 minutes before I got dizzy from the camera. I tried it a few times and hoped for a fov adjustment in the "remastered" version, but no luck.
Looking forward to see Darksider 3, with adjustable FOV hopefully
Were also hiring a few more environment artists. World builders preferred.
Send resumes here:
Apply to: jobs@gunfiregames.com
Check out more details HERE