Short Version: If I have three types of Low-poly trees I want to make for a game, is there a way I can have all 3 low poly trees share the same texture map yet still be independently place-able in Unity?
Long Version: I am struggling with how to make multiple different objects share the same texture map and still move around freely of one another. Typically it seems that if I want to share a texture map between multiple objects I need to join them together and consolidate their UVs. Now, if they are joined together and I bring them into game engine, placing them will result in one unbreakable asset.
If I want them to all be independent they need to be their own objects, but if they are their own objects they no longer share a common map.
How can I fix this? Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been asking around on forums and either people don't know / don't care. Do I need to go in and make one texture map per each tree or other modular object? Is that efficient?