Never post me god damn work on here which is not a good thing so I'm gonna make a habit of it.
Here is a fig I snapped a few days ago at the Botanical Gardens nearby, 30k tris or there-about, 4k maps, delit and everything.
I used substance designer to do most of my texture work using the baker and a node I made that packs together all the processes I use. Said processes are basically the Light node with some world space normals, the ambient occlusion subtracted, an albedo color bracketer and a highpass of the diffuse to crisp up the normals/height with. Its a pretty good tool that speeds things up and Im thinking of releasing it. There is some feature I wanted to add though that I cant remember.
Also the basecolor was quickly cleaned in the latest gimp alpha (2.9, does 16 bit) with a clone tool. Think thats everything, here it is:

Gotta tweak this preview lighting because everything keeps coming out flat and boring. Anyway
I fixed up the shader I was using and now the results are alot more acceptable. The issue was mainly incorrect use of the specularLevel map. This rock was a very quick turnaround, actual work was probably maybe 2 or 3 hours but baking probably stretched it out to a full day. Need a new graphics card.
Currently working on a showcase for some urban materials I captured, a little plain right now but it'll get there
Hashed out the details on the left building and trying to work out what to do with the far building
These have been cleaned up, decimated, delit and all that almost ready to sell, front copies are targeting 30k tris and the back ones are 3k tris, textures are 4k
- me using it - where to get it - here's some rocks I made using the same workflow for 10 bucks here's where to ask me about it we are right now
and here is what it looks like: