Anyone knows an easy way to get the closest edge to a given position? i already know a way to do this for closest faces and closest vertices with the node closestPointOnMesh but this only returns faces and vertices.
But i dont know the name of the edge when the script is running, this is a part of a long script and i only have a position, and by that position i want to get an edge depending on the faces of a plane (subdivided) i created. i dont understand completely how closestPointOnMesh cause its not very documented but if there are more than one component at the same distance of a given position it choses only one of them, and can only return a vertex and a face. I solved the problem in my script but i dont think it will work in other cases. Anyways thanks for the answer! This is it, now it works fine with any subdivision axis of the cylinder I did this cause i think it's an interesting tool to have, (i've seen already a more complex script about that for 3dmax) and because in the proces i learn a lot of python, that was a new language to me.
I solved the problem in my script but i dont think it will work in other cases.
Anyways thanks for the answer!
I'm curious what you came up with if you don't mind sharing?
This is it, now it works fine with any subdivision axis of the cylinder
I did this cause i think it's an interesting tool to have, (i've seen already a more complex script about that for 3dmax) and because in the proces i learn a lot of python, that was a new language to me.