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2.5D Character Models

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I am an illustrator who's become super interested in "faking" the 2D look in 3D. I've been interested in games like Guilty Gear Xrd and jrpg's like Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book. Not specifically because I like Anime, but more the techniques used to get that look. Theres also this somewhat creepy youtuber.

Achieving this style mostly seems like something the Japanese game dev community is concerned with, as I have sadly not really seen any similar style experiments in western games. If there are any, I'd love to know! But it's becoming a thing in animation, Disney's Paperman and the music video Nameless World for example. They all use different techniques to get the same kind of look. When we speak of cartoony graphics in western games I think of stuff like Overwatch, Telltale games and more stylized low poly gradient textured models. But while really cool, as someone passionate about 2D art, I'm really interested in the more 2D look, and achieving it in games.

I've been working with the software Live2D Cubism to create 2D portraits that look to be somewhat 3D. You can see my post on that here.
Today they released their new software called Euclid for creating 2.5D characters and I fully intend to learn it to see if I can make it work with my own style. I personally hope this will become a much bigger thing in the near future.

Euclid information and Store Page
[I swear this is not a sponsored post, I just really want to see more people [who speak english] work with it!]

Anyone else interested in this and experimenting with it? Or perhaps you already did it? Please share your thoughts and ideas on this.
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