A female adventurer that was going to be the playable character to a platformer game that I started in UE4
Martial instances to change the colors
Some Work in progress shots:
Testing out The rig, as well as flat lighting
Early In Engine
Setting Up The face rig
Should point out they have no textures, just the base color of the material for them.
I will probably will scale up the pupil iris a little as well will help remove a bit of the crazy
I'm not an expert on stylized characters, as i'm still learning facial anatomy, but i think the shape of the eye can be improved on. I think maybe suggesting the shape of the medial canthus more
The next thing I can see is the hips. I think hips/thigh muscle are much too wide.
Then, I think the calf muscle, the gastrocnemius is too thick
Lastly, the gap between her thighs is too wide, considering the size of her thighs.
Sorry if you're too far along in process to apply proportional/modeling changes.