This project is more or less finished back in October of 2017. I might be making some small changes and adding VR compatibility. Here's the finished stuff on artstation. 
I started working on an idea I had last year. I wanted to make an item shop but I also wanted there to be some sort of hook to it. I thought the idea of a magical girl shop was interesting but at the end of the day, they're still fighting and killing monsters. So I'm doing this in a style that may be one part Warcraft, one part Darksiders. Or at least that's the goal. Here's a drawing I had made of some weapons that started the idea-

The shop is going to consist of 4 areas or themes for items.
Weapons - Hearts, pink, purple, white
Magic/Books - Moon+stars, Purple, blue, white
Alchemy - wings/halo, white, gold, black
The main entrance/lobby is going to be a mix of all the elements. I am making sculpts in ZBrush to start off with but still trying to decide whether to go with a shaded materials for the final product or using the bakes to base hand painted textures on. I've been really interested in trying that method for a project and see they use it on some elements of WoW so we'll see. Anyways, here are some sculpts that I have started. Everything is subject to critiques and change so let me know what you think.
Mortar and Pestle



Weapons display table

Wall (Might be changing this one soon)

Alchemy Set

Alchemy table top

Initial bakes of the diffuse with gradient maps applied. I haven't done any custom painting yet. I plan on getting props to this level so I can reuse gradient maps as needed and color match before finalizing details.
I've made a few height maps I use for common shapes (hearts, stars, the wand) so I can easily drop them into different assets as needed. I need to create a IMM brush with the shapes as well for ease of use but I have been lazy. Hoping to knock out another asset or two tonight.
Hey mate, i like your work. I was looking at your artstation profile, in your desert piece you forgot to place the opacity on your leaf cards! Cheers
Some sculpt progress over the last week or two.
And some of the low poly bakes
I finished out the picture frame bakes last night. Hoping to get most the low poly and bakes done this week but we'll see how I am on free time.
@AavaChan Thanks! I'm glad you think so.
@Mehran Khan Thanks you.
@Bering I go back and forth depending on the prop. If it is something that is a standalone prop like the chair or picture frames or a tiling texture I usually just go sculpt it and mess with variations straight into zbrush. I can always resize the object in max so long as the proportions are correct within the prop itself.
However, if it is something that needs to interact with the scene like the railings or bookshelf I'll create a very basic proxy object in max first to make sure I get proper proportions as well as making sure it will fit the scene correctly.
@Shrike Looking back I can see that you're correct. I was trying to match what I assumed to be WoW or other mmo requirements but for an original piece I'd rather focus on making sure it looks good. I don't have screenshots yet but I have gone back and edited some props to give them smoother and more rounded silhouettes.
Thanks for taking a look everyone. I'm pretty busy this weekend but I'm hoping to start messing with the colors soon and start moving some of these objects into UE4 for some better testing.
Since you're planning to get them into UE4 are you going to go for stylized PBR or try and go for purely diffuse maps?
Also, finished out a small wall shelf and some magic books for the shelves. Hope you enjoy!
Made a cash register because those potions aren't free. We've got a business to run here!
For me it´ll fit in a Kingdom Hearts x Madoka Magica/Sailor Moon kind of strange crossover with all the heart and moon´s theme.
I remember playing a japanese indie game based on a shop where you selling the items and equipment you obtain in the evenings when going to the dungeon...but i don´t remember the name
@Koromo Yeah, the theme has drifted a little bit since I started. My biggest goal was to keep away from the super clean look for the shop. I didn't want it to look like cardcaptor sakura. Kingdom hearts and madoka magica are a bit closer I think.
I'm testing out some color choices at the moment and am hoping to start texturing before too long. I'm making a paintover right now so I can easily change colors/test different themes. This is just the base one I am working on, but will be able to change easily as it goes.