So this was a practice model that is now turning into a cautionary tale
on how you should use your creativity responsibly before you end up
making a shader test into a full character, please learn something from
it kthx.
Here's what started it all:

And here's what I currently got in zBrush:

(before any of you make that joke, that pole that extends from her lower back is a future mechanical tail)
so yeah I hope you learned something from this because I sure hell didn't.
updates soonish
- Ditched the scarf, it was basically an excuse for me not to detail the neck/upper body area, which now looks like this btw. Moved the shoulderpads a bit, they're now attached to the upper arm (didn't want to get too much deformation when posing). Still have to replace the pipes, since everyone and their grandmother who ever used zBrush will recognize them at a glance.
- finished up her tail, wasn't going for anything too complex here
- went for a claw-type weapon to put over her hands, right now it's retopoed but is still lacking detail
- started sketching a helmet for good measure, it wasn't supposed to look like this with ears and horns and whatever but I accidentally selected the Slide tool instead of the Standard tool and went along with it. Not sure if front will be plate or glass, still concepting at this point
overall shot for good measure.
I'm trying to push my designing skills a bit on this one since most of my tech stuff tends to be very simplicistic and bare, I don't really know if it's working. Hopefully hear from you guys any soon
helmet was finished up
character body was retopoed, here's a Marmoset preview with basic colors
next up is UV, baking and another round of detailing in NDO
Also threw up some color schemes, if anybody wants to butt in with their opinion go ahead. At this point I might even change the character's hair color to fit the scheme so yeah
I'm not really keen with constantly updating pieces - for me once something is done it's finished, it might not be perfect but if it takes more effort to update older work than to make something from scratch I start anew.
BTW, here's a fun bit - the head that started everything was an attempt to update the character in this project:
To be honest I try to set as many things as I can in advance, working as I go is tons of fun but it takes a longer time and I might come up with a really great idea that would force me to redo 3/4 of the original piece (while I could use it on my next work and be as much as impactful)
I completely understand wanting to move on once a project feels finished. Looking forward to see how you wrap up and pose the character!
- character was textured. Went with the C color scheme (orange, black, purple, white). Shifted the colors a bit around but it's overall presentable
- fixed up her face model to make her a bit more rounded and redid her texture since she looked pissed all the time. Remade her hair from scratch since the old one was really mean looking and very plain, this one has a bit more movement and quite a bit more volume to it.
character is pretty much finished, weapon is next. Should be done in the coming weeks
Also, out of curiosity, mind elaborating a bit more on the design issues? I'm having some second thoughts about some choices I made (which unfortunately I am a bit too far in to change now) and I'm wondering if we're sharing the same thoughts
Toned down the orange accents a bit, finished her claws.
Also gave her face one final tweak, mainly by giving her a nose job, a new eye texture and fixing up her forehead area
Pretty happy with how she turned out, I'm gonna consider this the final update before rigging and posing.
More pictures and Marmoset viewer here:
Enjoy and see you next time