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Issues with FBX from Maya to Max transfer - pivot's location

polycounter lvl 4
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asdaq polycounter lvl 4
Hello all,
I have a strange issue when I import to 3ds Max .fbx files created in Maya. In maya pivots of the elements were positioned in the centers of the objects. However when I import these meshes to 3ds Max all the pivots are in the 0,0,0.
Has anyone had similar issues?
I dig the forums a bit but I did not find anything similar to my problems.



  • asdaq
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    asdaq polycounter lvl 4
    Quick update regarding versions of the tools used:
    Max and Maya: 2016
    .fbx version 2014/2015 
    updates are installed

    I've just checked this on 3ds max 2014 and it's the same.
  • asdaq
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    asdaq polycounter lvl 4
    Bump cause I am still stuck with this one. No one has encountered similiar issue? 
  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    It doesn't matter where you put your pivot in your 3d software. It will be "generated" a new in any other 3d software and this new one will be the position of the 0,0,0 that your model was and not in the position your pivot was. 
  • jackrabbit82
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    jackrabbit82 polycounter lvl 6
    I'm currently investigation this issue. The problem is on 3dsMax side when importing. I've discovered that by reading the fbx file in ASCII and testing with boxes from max to maya and such. The thing is, so far, can't find a solution The pivot is correct when maya is importing the fbx from Max, but not from maya to max. It's a really huge pain in the ass that makes me hate autodesk even more. 

    On the FBX in ASCII it's noticed that pivot is exported properly as the "Lcl Translation" is set to the correct position. same thing happens when exporting from max the Lcl Translation is set in the fbx file, but maya manage to get the pivot right. Max somehow is resetting the pivot on the center for the maya import only, because when the export comes from max it's set properly ... so basically haven't found a difference so far in the text format of the file it has to be deeper in max importing/recomputing meshes. I'll need to investigate more and maybe i'll find a way for max to stop resetting pivot when importing ... but yeah it sucks that autodesk can't manage to get their own shit work with one another. 

    Quick work around tho : if you don't have to import animation (hope that's not what you're trying haha) .obj export works like a charm in both ways. generally speaking obj is the universal format that kinda always does it right. 
  • jackrabbit82
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    jackrabbit82 polycounter lvl 6
    NoRank said:
    It doesn't matter where you put your pivot in your 3d software. It will be "generated" a new in any other 3d software and this new one will be the position of the 0,0,0 that your model was and not in the position your pivot was. 
    Yes it matters a lot actually every software has a world vs local tranform its matrix mathematic. dunno what you're using but pivot point are never supposed to be resetted since it is so crucial to meshes and vertices info.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I and many others have been using fbx to go back and forth between maya and max for over a decade and never had this issue - which I suspect gives rise to the fact you can't find much help on here. 

    I've just done a test (both 2017 but like i say, never had the problem)    

    Transforms are respected when objects are at root or attached to a group and whether you use export all, export selection or send scene. 

    It's probably worth mentioning that Maya groups are interpreted as Max groups when they come into max  - depending on version that may mean you can't select the geometry directly without ungrouping (you can in max 2017 - not sure with 2016, didn't use it much because it was crap).

    As far as I'm aware there's nothing in the fbx import or export options that allows for resetting pivots - even if you dick around with scripts so it's unlikely the issue is happening there

    if you're using extra scripts for the export then try bypassing them as they might be doing something weird. 
  • jackrabbit82
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    jackrabbit82 polycounter lvl 6
    Thx poopipe  ! didn't knew about the grouping. Yeah that's a new one for me too lol ... Debugged a lot of stuff in the past between the 2 softwares, but never had max recompute pivot on import before. No script are messing with it (yet). There's indeed some failsafe/workaround that can fix this ... it's just that i'd like to understand what max is doing on import to mess this up. in anyway putting it in obj seems the best option for now, otherwise in fbx parenting asset to a dummy object also ensure the asset to import on the right spot. 

    These little annoyances that pops up with autodesk products are so messed up and are giving me headache haha ... but yeah there's always work arounds. Cheers 
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    I can't repro the problem either. You need to provide screenshots or sample files if you need help with these kinds of issues.
  • Marcurios
    Maybe you have more then 1 vertex color set, or/and more then 1 uvset in your fbx file, then Max doesn't read it correctly, also, you want to keep Maya default naming conventions for UV sets and Color sets.

    I don't know if that could mess up the pivot (doesn't with me), but i do know it messes up just about everything in the entire fbx file when you import it into max aside from the geometry, that's the only thing that is preserved if you try to import with multiple sets.
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