Hello everyone I'm back with a personal project involving the creation of cloud volumes using ray marching techniques and 3d volume textures in addition to Interactive Fog/ Mist Particles.
I'll post my progress here

Here's my current blockout for my final scene.

That being said your stuff already looks great!
And here is a small update, I started working on some props to fill my scene and started fiddling around with materials for the landscape.
I've also managed to fix some performance issues on the interactive fog.
up next is an actual door and some wooden props to put inside the doorframes.
I'll also make some more modular pieces to further fill things up.
I'll keep you guys posted.
@Mirge This is a scene I'm making to show of my grad work, it being about interactive fog particles
@3DMad It does drop the frames quite a bit, but I've been trying to optimize it here and there, and I can get around 54-58 fps so all in all it's pretty manageable
So here's is another update, I added some more atmospheric props and changed the scene to be more enclosed.
Also here is a small vid showcasing the scene a little:
and another short video of the complete scene https://puu.sh/wlclR/6e40113b2a.mp4
Here is the link to a video I made about the project :
and following is a whole load of pics
Realy wondering how you are doing this and what impact it has on performance!