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(Black & white, Silhouette) Artist wanted for RPG in development

polycounter lvl 2
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pintianz polycounter lvl 2
Hi all! I am looking for Artist for my mobile game (development in progress, set to publish late fall/winter this year). 

Art requirement:
- Style: Silhouette.
- Mood: Easten, Black and white, Somber, Mysterious
- Want: Map of the game world (gif-like, animated loop), Still images for cutscenes.

- For reference I'm looking for something similar to these

- I want a topdown map of the game world similar to these example except with silhouette (blakc and white) style parts

Screen shot of current build (work in progress)

I am very serious about this project and I am willing to pay for good work :)

If interested, please send me an email: pintianz@yahoo.com

**PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOUR ART/STYLE DO NOT MATCH CRITERIA(ie cartoon style, comic style etc.)**

Please include in your email the following:
Contact info
Portfolio/work sample.
Rate offer
General availability for work

Feel free to ask anything else.

PT Zhang
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