I don't know if this is caused by substance, UE4 or the "User" (me), but i really need help. I hope you can help me find out what is going on? I've post it allready in my
WIP threat. But i hope I can find here more response to this issue.
Original Post:I need help! I'm grappling with an really weird Normal Problem by exporting from SP2 to UE4.
I really don't know why, but on some faces are getting shadet with an weird "X" normal problem.
SP2: No Problems
UE4: Problems
SP2 Normal
For testing I've baked also with knald... I'm getting nearly the same issues:
Knald Normals:
I'm really desperate!!! I don't know how to fix it!!!
Additional info:
- Normals are set correctly in UE4 (DTX5, BC5 on DX11)
- -Y baked (Direct X) (NO openGL)
- Baked with SP2 => "Compute Tangent space per fragment" is chacked
- Every UV-Chunk got his own smoothing group (4smoothing groups for the complete mesh)
Baked Normal map SP2:
Baked Normal map KNALD:
I really dont get it...
Thank you very much. Never had the idea it could be a triangulating problem... Now it works fine. Thank you!!!
Do you know why this is haping? (Technically)
If you use 3dsmax, you can do this: with your finished model, make a new poly edit modifier, grab all verts and hit Connect. This will triangulate everything - this way you can always remove or toggle the modifier.
80% of the time, SP will turn all my non-triangulated edges... annoying. But when you export your model to SP with this method, it will always be triangulated the same way. You can go about generating your maps in SP, your normals will bake correctly. Then export the same triangulated model from max to unreal.