John, Yup flash suppressor should have more thickness, Thank.Hhmmm i don't think so some edges are too sharp. Can you tell me how to put artstation link at my profile as you have?
Do you mean MG-42? Nice progress so far. I think you should try doing more of a block out mesh before subdividing everything! That lets you get the size, the shape, the silhouette done first, then subdivide and add the details. Makes proportions faster, more accurate, and even lets you get animation/blockout started without animators having to wait for the low poly. If you subdivide and detail everything right away, then realize it's way out of proportion or modeled wrong, that's a lot of time wasted if you have to redo it! Think of it as a mid-to-low polygon mesh. My 2¢
Can you tell me how to put artstation link at my profile as you have?
What i notcied is Mg3 has 2 cuts in the suppressor, while mg42 suppressor does not have any cut. <mg42 suppressor.
Another difference i noticed is mg3 suppressor is half sphere at end while mg42 is not half sphere and is extruded cylinder.
Correct me please if i am wrong.
Yup i meant MG-42. I should change its name
Can you tell me what looks wrong to you@Drew++
Ty for Critiques and suggestion