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Getting work as a 3D modeler

Good morning, everyone.

I"m Solomon from Singapore and I just joined the big family of CG recent months. Short background of myself. I am 35 years old with no actual background as a artist or designer. I just love to play games and always dreamed of being a part in the production of games. I am taking 1 year full time course to be a 3D modeler which is where my interests is.

However, due to the lack of art training and knowledge, I find my work quite lacking in the beauty aspect. Technical i am doing well, but the beauty aspect of modeling I still dont have it.

I know and understand that you can't rush in art. Need time to experience and observe and grow. But i do hope that I could get a decent job after my course as I have a family to feed. Meanwhile I could also do my own personal study and upgrading.

Can I still find work in such a competitive market while I need to learn to produce superb quality work?


  • beccatherose
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    beccatherose ngon master
    Hey there Solomon! I can't necessarily provide insight as a professional modeler (I'm primarily a 2D artist myself) but my biggest recommendation to early 3D artists is to practice some observational drawing daily if possible. It might not seem to be directly related, but when I recommend modelers to start drawing, their design sense always kicks up a notch. Sketch classical sculpture and strong modern pieces. Observing and studying the timeless aspects of powerful design work can help you understand what makes it so effective.

    3D artists will probably have much better advice than I do, but I can't emphasize enough how empowering it is to build up some very basic drawing skills. It'll help you in the visualization stage of an asset before you start modeling. Even if you don't pick up drawing, making models directly from a reference helps. I'd recommend doing a lot of simple models and looking at how a concept artist determines things like the scale of their details and management of values. 

    If you're interested in picking up drawing, check out CtrlPaint.com or Schoolism. There are a lot of other free online resources to help you get started.

    Good luck!
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