hi guys.
New one in here so quick introduce - 3d guy from poland with background in commercial work (
http://panoptiqm.com )
Thanks all for taking your time here and helping
I just started reading about realTime engines and i thought it might be a good start to do something different.
I've got some understanding of commercial/film pipeline, but its a bit different from realTime/game. ( of course it depends on many apsects)
My first question is related to very basic thing (technically) which is set dressing- How should team of e.g. 4 or more people work in a collaboration/simultaneously on a single level ? Of course it should be based on kind of concept
or quick sketch, but at first I thought of simple grid division manageable parts
SOURCE HERE (artStation)
What's your opinion and observations? What're standards? It should be done in dcc app or maybe done directly in engine (UE/Unity) or maybe each and every artist can make its part wherever he wants and export it as obj or something and then MASTER ARTIST merge it into one ?
Maybe you can point me out to some books or tuts/resources. Would be cool.
Thanks in advance!