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Obsolete Robot

polycounter lvl 5
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DeviatePanda polycounter lvl 5
"Obsolete Robot" 
A basic courtesy bot, the 8270, was designed for everyday physical labor/chores. This bot has long since been replaced by more advanced units. The robot's manufacturer, Mirovia corp, shut down their processing servers to make the recall easier, but many of the units remained online. 

Textures: 4096x4096 - Albedo, roughness, specular, NRM, cavity, AO 
Polys: 14,014 
Tris: 27,042

Hi everyone, just finished my latest project. Had a lot of fun working on this little robot, and got to play with refractive surfaces for the lenses. Let me know what you all think!

And for those interested the turntable is viewable here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh3qY8v_0Fs
More images and the 3D Viewer on my artstaion: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/92ngv


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