Hey guys!
I swear it was not looking at my myself when the mirror broke! Joke aside. I'm running into a weird problem in Substance. I baked my normals using Handplane and then imported the map into Substance Painter. They look flawless when I view them on the model in Toolbag or Substance. However when I export them the normal map gets a weird crack. I've tried many things like changing/fixing up the high poly in making sure it is absolutely flat but it only made minor changes.
Is there something happening in the export I am overlooking?
Also attach the normal from handplane and the one exported by Substance Painter so we can take a look at it.
Log file: In the attachments
Baked t-normal map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4tvapx4axxjhqkp/Mirror11__ts.tif?dl=0
Exported t-normal map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nejp2ufzhoe7vea/Mirror11_low_Normal.png?dl=0
Here is some examples