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[WIP - L4D2 Workshop] Princess Leia Survivor (Rochelle)

polycounter lvl 3
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Nicky_Da_B polycounter lvl 3
I figure I'll start a WIP thread. I did one way too late in my last project, and I want to get in the habit of posting updates and working on this workshop item. I've already started a few weeks ago. Here is a collection of photos and comments from the start until now. I'll post more as I continue to work. 

March 10, 2017
In the three pictures below, I just wanted to get the model and the survivor conversion through the whole process. I hadn't done a survivor mod in a while. The goal here was to re-familiarize myself with the whole process and pipeline. It would also be useful to know how to bring the model into the game quickly later during the project so I can see how my current tweaks look like in engine.

March 29, 2017
In the three pictures below, I moved away from .obj files. They were nice in blender/maya at the beginning, but you can notice in the pictures above that the shading is bad. You really see the individual polys. I switched to .fbx exports from maya, which seemed to be a lot smoother. 

April 14, 2017
In the two pictures below, I did some practice, testing, and experimenting with reworking the skeleton of the model. You can see the difference in these two screenshots. The right hand has all the work on it. The left hand still looks like poo poo.

April 20, 2017
In the seven pictures below, I did some work on the left hand. As you can see, it's much better than the above abomination. 

While grabbing screenshots I noticed that some of the verts weren't connected properly.  :'(

So I went back into Maya, merged the verts and re-pushed the mesh through the pipeline. Boom fixed! :D

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