I've been work on the current biweekly substance challenge and made

Whilst I was nearing completion I started to split the substance into generator in the interest of re-use and procudurality, turning


(a process which has taken longer than making the art in the first place, but that's by the by I guess)
Now my questions are, what are you guy's opinions on best practice for Substance Designer generators? How do you avoid breaking things/ adding new features, seems relatively hard to edit a generator once you've isolated it from the original substance.
And I'm wanting to release this on Substance Share + release future creations on there too, what's the done thing for custom generators? from what I can see on Substance Share so far people just seem to leave it as a spaghetti mess, doesn't seem very good for reuse or editing.
Are there any examples of people uploading generator libraries, seems mad that you'd upload the generators separately but if you do them together keeping them up to date/maintenance seems difficult.
Anyway glad to hear input on this topic as I can't find much online