Hey guys I was just dropping by to show you the start of a new project I'm working on. The project is a monster creature that will be featured in a VR title for my senior video game project. These are just the beginning stages, but please let me know what you think of the character. He is a genetically engineered gorilla/bear cybernetic beast. Stay tuned for more updates!
Hey I really like the concept of like the giant trex monster truck type monster. I am by no means a anatomy expert but I tried making some quick changes in photoshop that I think might help. It sort of looks like the original had the deltoid hanging off what looks like the scapula. I think it would help to move the shoulder part a bit more up and in to give more of an idea of a shoulder girdle. Also I feel like it would be good to thin out the forearm area, it seems a little thick right now and I think it would benefit from more of a thin boney look. What are you using for anatomy reference on the trex like character? Your characters arms seem a bit more human which is why I suggested to bring the arms more up like a shoulder girdle. But actual trex arms are sort of low and forward.
Its looking really cool, can't wait for some updates
Hey guys thanks for the input! In terms of reference I am using some bird, dinosaur, and lizard reference. I'm also referencing custom choppers and fast cars to influence some of the design since he is the speed class monster in this video game. Here is an update on the progress. As always critiques are welcome. My deadline for the sculpt is this wednesday so any input before then would be great!
Wow you work so fast, It's looking really good. Is the area in green going to be completly covered in those indents or is it just going to be split 1/3 indents 2/3 plain, I think I like how you have it now I was just curious about it . I also thought I'd mention to try and add some transition Caps/Connections in the areas in purple. Cant wait to see the polished version
Also I started working on the second monster and would love feedback on his anatomy and concept so far. As always all input is welcome.
I am by no means a anatomy expert but I tried making some quick changes in photoshop that I think might help.
It sort of looks like the original had the deltoid hanging off what looks like the scapula. I think it would help to move the shoulder part a bit more up and in to give more of an idea of a shoulder girdle. Also I feel like it would be good to thin out the forearm area, it seems a little thick right now and I think it would benefit from more of a thin boney look. What are you using for anatomy reference on the trex like character? Your characters arms seem a bit more human which is why I suggested to bring the arms more up like a shoulder girdle. But actual trex arms are sort of low and forward.
Its looking really cool, can't wait for some updates
Here is another update. It is just going to be polishing and detailing now. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Cant wait to see the polished version