How to find incompatible map/material in my BIG scene...?
I have 3ds max and vray 3.4... i tried to open and render some old scenes created with vray 1.5 Sp3 (or something), but the scene isquite huge and there is some stupid map/material not really compatible with vray and thus really slowing down th rendering of the scene...
From what i know the problematic type is most likely Raytrace (material or map im not sure)...
The problem is i cannot find it in my scene... its big and has around 250 materials...?
Is there some way how to find this material? Im not lucky, tried everything i thought of, downloaded some plugins but wasnt lucky...
I just need some tool to find the materials/maps (im not sure if its material of map since raytrace can be both). Or the object on which these material are placed on. So i can fuckin* delete the shit out of them from the scene so i can render it normally and not super slow...
How can i find specific material/map type in my scene in 3ds max 2015?
If you know the maxscript class you can easily find the materials with a script
But if you don't know the maxscript class name you can kinda guess at it.
Thank you, this might actually be usefull, ill try it.