So, recently, I've been following a Maya course for beginners since I come from a XSI background and I came across this issue that can be best explained by the video down bellow.
Mega Cloud ::!dQlyjZKL!l3urlL0ITv62H74a7YpiVwZh_0GcaEFO2oxcknhqjTo Although this is happening on this specific file when I load the files provided by the online course everything looks normal. I'm sure I might've done something while I was following the lessons that might be the responsible for this behavior but I have absolutely no clue of what it is.
I'm using Maya 2017
Sometimes when your scene gets really bit or a glitch in focus command the position of orthographic cameras can go way way too far or stay inside geometry. In those situations you see similar kind of clipping you had earlier or you may experience it as "invisible geometry"
If you unhide your top,side and front cameras and select move gizmo you can see where the cameras actually are. They should "always" be further away than the face/surface of your outmost mesh/nurbs etc.
When clipping starts to happen in orthographic views unhide your top, side and front camera and move them with move qizmo further away from origin point. I have found that it is easiest to correct the position of top camera from front viewport. Front and side camera distance is easiest to correct from top viewport.
Sometimes you also have to adjust their near and far clipping planes
Remember to hide your orthographic cameras after you have moved them