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Game Designer - Limbic Entertainment (Frankfurt/Main area - Germany)

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Limbic Entertainment is looking for a talented Game Designer (m/f) for an unannounced Unreal Engine 4 project.

For this position, we are seeking a person, with a great passion for games in general, but also a good understanding of the underlying game mechanics, rulesets and development processes. You will participate in developing complex, dynamic PC and console games, where your main objective will be the definition, design and documentation of game features. A close collaboration with all members of the game design team, as well as direct communication and interaction with other departments, is an integral part of your job. It will also be within your responsibility to present the results to the team, management and our customers.

Your tasks:

  • Designing game features in the areas of combat, levels, systems and UI
  • Writing and presenting proposals for game systems and other design topics
  • Assisting your leads in defining and prioritizing product backlog content
  • Documenting and maintaining work results in the game design document
  • Providing feedback to other departments on their implementations
  • Answering questions and discussing recommendations from other departments or team members
  • Supporting leads and producers with the creation of documents and materials for events and press
  • Evaluating the market and competitor products


  • At least three years of industry experience in game design and at least one released title (preferably PC and/or console games)
  • Creative mindset with an eye for detail
  • Having problem-solving skills, the ability to quickly adapt to change and a result-oriented work style
  • Ability to think creatively, analytically and sometimes out of the box
  • Having knowledge of usability and accessibility concepts
  • Experience in working with standard Office software, such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as JIRA/Confluence and Google Docs.
  • High affinity for games, having played a good variety from different genres
  • Experience with and affinity for strategy games is a plus
  • Market and industry knowledge
  • Fluent in English
  • EU citizen or a valid working permit for Germany is required

What we offer:

  • A responsible and challenging position in a dynamic business
  • Our team of more than 60 employees contributes to an enjoyable and cooperative working atmosphere
  • Flat hierarchies make for quick decision-making
  • Interesting game projects with many different, diverse and challenging tasks
  • Appropriate remuneration

Please send your full CV and a cover email to:

Sabine Burmeister

For more information on Limbic Entertainment GmbH, please refer to http://www.limbic-entertainment.de

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