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[TWITCH] griffitii wall

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griffitii greentooth
Hi there!

I've started using Twitch streaming as a way to do more personal work at home. So far it's working out really well but I needed a place where I could periodically update my progress and get some feedback on the things I'm creating. With this in mind I've created my own griffitii wall! 

Feel free to comment/crit on the work I post up. I'm looking to improve as an artist so please be as constructive as possible!  

If you're interested in seeing my process then feel free to stop by the stream as it's happening. I stream on Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 8pm GMT. My weapons of choice are Modo, ZBrush, Substance and UE4. All my media platforms are as follows:

Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/griffitii
Twitter - https://twitter.com/griffitii
Pinterest - https://uk.pinterest.com/griffitii/
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/griffitii
Discord - https://discord.gg/mJfBx9N

Thanks for stopping by and reading. Hopefully I'll see you soon!

** Before I get a ream of replies saying I've spelt graffiti wrong, it was intentional. My username across platforms is the same for consistency ;) **


  • griffitii
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    griffitii greentooth
    I've had the idea of an abandoned playground floating around in my head for a while but wanted to create a scene and story as to why it was abandoned. This lead me onto the idea of having a military outpost situated in a playground in some war-torn city. Perhaps they set up camp here as it was really well positioned and easily defended.

    The following image is a rough block out of what this place might look like:

    I streamed this block out last Thursday and will be continuing with asset breakdowns and reference gathering tomorrow (Tues 11/04 @ 8pm GMT). 
  • griffitii
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    griffitii greentooth
    Just a small update from the last two streams. I've been breaking the scene down into an asset list, scouting out reference and looking at what tiling textures I need to create. I've done this so that when I come round to starting a new texture or asset I have something to go off and get straight into the making part.

    Next week I'll be setting up assets in Unreal, playing about with lighting and coming up with an order to do things in :)
  • griffitii
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    griffitii greentooth
    This week I've been working my way through the asset list and started populating the level in UE4 with individual assets. I've created a few generic materials to go on each of the meshes to get a better representation of the type of object it is (eg. concrete, metal, wood, etc). I've also been creating variations of assets as I go along so that when I create them I can simply re-import them and start to see real progress in the scene.

    It's been quite nice to gradually fill the level up with assets and get a better idea of how they might work together. Here's a pic of where I'm up to:

  • griffitii
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    griffitii greentooth
    Managed to get the remainder of the block assets setup and into UE4 (Vegetation, additional props, raised steps and building blocks). I wasn't that happy with the space from the previous post so started looking at how it may have been originally envisioned by the architect. This led me to create an enclosed playground area at the back of an apartment block. I think it definitely helps the environment look like a place opposed to a level. It also splits up the area into clearer sections (tent, playground, stockpiled goods). It also helps explain why there might be concrete barriers on the road in the immediate area.

    Going to start working up the assets (one at a time!) in the next stream :)
  • griffitii
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    griffitii greentooth
    Started on the asset creation side-of-things this evening. I thought it best to begin with the ground texture and slowly work my way through the assets from here. I used Substance Designer to generate multiple tile 'pieces' and then fed these into a Tile Sampler node to generate the overall pattern. I forgot how fast it is to do this kind of thing in Designer! I couldn't get the height to display properly in preview window in Designer so haven't included and pics of that but here are some images of the new material in UE4. Once I get a damaged version and additional dirt maps made I'll play about with the Parallax Occlusion settings in the shader.

    The PBR values are a little out of whack at the moment but I'll do a pass on this as time goes on and more assets are in the scene.
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