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WIP - environment : Dungeon Scene

polycounter lvl 7
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seimax polycounter lvl 7
practicing environment art on a dungeon scene , but i still get this "emptiness" feeling ...

don't know if because of lighting or not enough asset , comments and critiques very welcome :smile:


  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    you can go way crazyier with prop detail/density. also....all your shapes are square and boring, adding some more arches in the support beams and ceiling, doors etc will help. rubble on the floor, piles of stuff, discarded armor, torture devices etc will help fill it out. 
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    You have any reference your working from?
  • peloncr
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    peloncr polycounter lvl 3

    Hi!, looks nice and I agree with @PixelMasher  you should go crazy with the variety, also try different shapes and don't hesitate about using assets without symmetry, that really gives it quite a great realistic feeling, also agree with @pixelpatron  you should get some reference or maybe paste it here :)

    Here's something I did:

    This is a bit of a Overpaint I did based on the image u posted, I desaturated it and notices that everything looks the same in terms of values, u should make some things or light sources to pop more than other to create that contrast, you can create that with the light sources and also the props with their colors. Hope I helped a bit hahaha but keep up that's some great work :)
  • seimax
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    seimax polycounter lvl 7
    @PixelMasher hey ! thanks for your help , i never fought about it , but it'll certainly help , gonna gather some references , and make some more assets with round and funky shapes , thanks for your ideas !

    @pixelpatron i must admit i did not gather a lot of references for this one as it was just a test scene for my assets , but i ended up wanting to make a complete scene , must have 2-3 screenshot of diablo 3 dungeon used as references (it may not be the best for this kind of work)

    @peloncr hey man , thanks a lot for your advices and kind words ! your screens immediatly helped to see what was wrong with my lighting and values , i'm gonna try to match your overpaint  , and diversify my assets shapes and colors , thanks a lot for helping !

    i will post some more wips , after i made some tweaks with your advices in mind , y'all take care and thanks for your help guys !
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Your lack of reference and study on how dungeons are built and constructed has left you with a lackluster product. Reset, save some of your textures and models and apply them to a new scene that has tangible reference to guide your decisions. A SOLID FOUNDATION is key...mood board, reference, and direction, like anything else in life you set off on a trail without guidance you'll become lost. Pintrest has hundreds of boards for "dungeon" it's a goldmine of reference and ideas....USE IT, all the heavy lifting is done, your just being lazy at this point! The best environments I've ever seen; stylized or not, are always based on a foundation of realism, sound concept, study of architecture, and spacial awareness. Lighting, mood, and atmosphere is a whole other story.....
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