Hey guys! I'm starting this thread to improve the quality of my work, with the hope of getting some criticisms and advice Here is the model of Death Hurler - rocket launcher from Exteel. I made a test bake to test my low poly, and it seems to be fine. Though, despite high resolution (4k) of texture, texel density is relatively small (look at these screws!). I'm gonna add a lot of printed text later, so it's kinda vital for me. Also I'm worried a bit about optimization - in the area of barrel for example. So i'll be glad to hear any critique
Hey cool hard surface man! If I could give a little feedback it'd be some of the edges being too sharp. If you get some stronger bevels on there it will catch the light a lot better and look a little more interesting. Really dig the labels and details near the handle and main body
Hey cool hard surface man! If I could give a little feedback it'd be some of the edges being too sharp. If you get some stronger bevels on there it will catch the light a lot better and look a little more interesting. Really dig the labels and details near the handle and main body
Thanks, CrazyMoon! Did you mean edges on the red part?
Meanwhile, I finished high poly for FN SCAR H. It's partly based on tutorial by 3Dnice, very good one, I learned some cool tips from this
Any tips for making glass material for holosight?