Hey, I've had an issue come up with a fresnel material not functioning correctly on a rigged skeletal mesh, despite it working fine on a static mesh and I cannot find any solution or situation posted like it online so I'm hoping someone here might be able to help figure out what's wrong.
http://puu.sh/vbgws/fd51c75512.jpg here's an image showing how it's acting up
The topmost row of vertices of the water are rigged to a separate bone to the rest of the water, though I don't know if that's relevant as the water in the tanks on the back are rigged in the same manner and don't have this issue:
http://puu.sh/vbgO7/4a1f4a3985.jpgI'm using Unreal 4.13
On a side note, using Frensel on a transparent object with 2-sided will NOT affect the back faces. They will be as bright as the glancing angles. You need to turn off transparent or 2-sided. Instead, model anything that is transparent with thickness. The helmet for example should have thickness. This is the correct way for geometry to render transparent with fresnel effects.