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Where to get a 'starter' library of substances (w/graphs i.e. sbs format)

polycounter lvl 20
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Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
I'm interested in acquiring a library of substances to use as starting points for my own substances, and as learning examples to be inspired by. Any thoughts on how to do this?

What I've looked into so far: It doesn't seem like Substance Designer ships with many useful examples. In Substance Painter (which I also have), it's materials don't seem available in sbs format. And finally, skimming through the Substance Source library, it seems that most of those substances are based on scans, and most don't include sbs files (presumably the scanned Substances don't include sbs versions). I guess the reality is that Substances are often easier to create using scanning methods, rather than building stuff from scratch using graphs (otherwise Allegorithmic would include a lot more 'from scratch' substances in their own library). The graph technology becomes much more useful when using Substance Painter, using the tech to blend substances together, using Smart Materials etc.  

However, I still want to dig a bit deeper into creating procedural materials. Is their some sort of good 'starter library' available somewhere? Failing that, I guess I may get an Indie subscription to Substance Source, and try to find some relevant procedural substances.


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