Hello! Newbie at 3D art here. I'm also new to these forums, so please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong section.
Let me start off by summarizing my issue.
Basically, what I've been trying to do is bake down smooth edges from a high poly model, onto a low poly model without Face Weighted Normals.
The low poly mesh has plain, 90 degree, hard shaded edges.
I know it's possible, I just don't know how to actually do it properly. I've been looking around everywhere online, and while I'm getting some good information, most of it is... I don't want to say useless, but it doesn't help me. I'm also getting mixed signals.
To give you an example of what I mean, here's two cubes in Maya:

As you can see, one of the cubes has been beveled. The other has not.
With a high poly mesh, the one on the left bakes just fine in Substance Painter (evidently). However with the one on the right, I get this:

Now, I sort of know why this happens. Especially when you look at both the low poly and high poly in Maya. They don't match up at all, which makes sense. I've split the UVs of the low poly model as I knew was required, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tackle the mismatched texture detail that occurs when I bake. Do I need to do things differently or is the way I'm currently approaching this not something that's possible?
The reason I ask all this is because I've modeled a little bucket to get back into the groove of things after being out of it for so long:

Normally I'd bevel everything to make the model look delicious when baked. But, I want to conserve tris. Ideally what I'd want is to have the edges along the top faces of the boards beveled, but only on the front and back. Not the ones in the gaps. The rest of the model I'd want 90 degree hard edges.
How would I go about doing this? Obviously the thing I'm trying with the cube isn't working.
I know I can crease the high poly edges, but when I tried that earlier all it did for me was create artifacts and projection errors.
I'd really appreciate any input on this because I can't seem to find any existing information that's of use to me.
I should also mention I'm a bit of a dummy. When possible, please keep things a little simple. I know a lot for someone of my level of experience, according to my friend who's sort of a professional in this field. But I don't know nearly enough to my liking. Yet.
Finally, sorry for the amount of pictures included. I just hope they help.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!
