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Which game would have the best market? And make the most Money?

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skyboyfly vertex
So I have 2 primary game ideas, I've went through each of them fairly well. One is set 2049 or near future, and the other around 2380.

So both of them I want to be somewhat realistic like Arma 3 (Like 70-85%), which obviously the Near future would be the most realistic, both have same general game-play, with a different look, technology, and other things.

For each game my team and I plan on making the multiplayer first, then the story later
So the first one is called BattleState (Set in 2049) (Think of Call of duty Adavanced warfare, with a much better story, and better look)

The back-story is basically in 2025 the sand-andresfault along with other fault lines cause the earth to alter, governments collapse, in order to maintain order, economic/political unions are formed, with Britan, USA, Japan, and others along with part ownership of company who helped bail out the goverments, and then you have the federation formed which contains Russia, China, and other who help the rebels with supply's and reinforcements. In 2044 a civil war breaks out between the peoples alliance and the Union, the people alliance is well funded,with about the same quality of gear/tech as the union

So the primary game play my team and I would want to focus on is Conquest, where players have multiple maps in which they can travel around a north america map, in different war-zones meaning different points of the north america map in which people can travel to in the main menu (So there will be 10-20 different maps when finished, where players can teleport from the main menu and play on that map) And much like Planet-side the maps can be controlled by players, showing the region controlled by either the AI (Which would be the Union) or the players team (The alliance). With this players would be able to join different randomly generated missions (I have about a list of 50 variables, which I could make over 5000 different missions) There players can do do different missions, rank up, and earn money. Now this will be sorta like a RPG, in which player can have different jobs (Which they can level up those jobs, and switch from job/roles at any time) Players will earn RP (reputation points) which can be used to gear up, and buy vehicles, and by buy vehicles, I meant for a one time use. Players can also use money to buy training courses to be able to actually use gear/weapons/anything and they will have to buy the licensing for the guns after they complete the training course. Now there will be only 1 team in which players can join, and the other team will be AI controlled to increase realism, meaning AI will react to different things, such as killing a Enemy officer will make the AI act ski-dish, and there morality go down. Along with a lot of other realistic effects. Also supplies and gear can be limited if a base, ware-house, hospital, factory, ect. gets taken and is controlled, by the enemy which can limit perks, abilitys, supplies, and 

The second one is BattleStar (set in 2380) (think of Halo, and star citizen for a basic look)

The back story is basically set on a planet, that has been partially colonized, and a war breaks out between the federation and the Rebels, who are well funded and supplied.

The gameplay is basically the same as before with the conquest idea but instead of a continent its the planets map, with the same basic principles as battle state, but with more tech, more enviroments/wild-life, different types of physics, different types of attacking/missions/other/ect., and battle mechanics/tactics.

Although we may have 2 different team in which players can play so instead of Just Player Vs AI, it may be PVP with a mix of AI on each team.

Please give me your opinion of which one you think would be more popular and make the most money.


  • slipsius
    "I'm not in it for the money" says the guy who created a thread asking how to make the most money. If you're passionate about game dev, and you are good at it, you'll make money. Focus on creating content. Rapid proto-type differnet style games. Get friends and family to test them out. Have public tests. Find out what users like about your games and why. When you find something that people like, flesh it out more. Just don't tell people who don't like your game to fuck off. 
  • lotet
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    skyboyfly said:
    Yes, I wanted to see how easy it was to piss people off, along with getting some info into the post (As I wasn't ganna post the long ass paragraph for nothing) (Just to piss people off) ALSO to all those poeple posted.... I'm not in game development for money, I actually love it, it's a part of my life. I don't give a fuck about long hours, I do it because I love it. And you want to talk about long hours,I've stayed up for 64 hours thinking about game development... So yall can fuck off. I have nothing but passion and love for it.
    haha  yeaaaah....no.
  • Michael Knubben
    Because you just bumped it hours after the last post.
  • skyboyfly
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    skyboyfly vertex
    Look I'm sorry I pissed people off... Alright. Now I plan on deleting this post, and start posting my projects, to show you I'm not entirely full of bull-shit
  • Obscura
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  • skyboyfly
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    skyboyfly vertex
    Obscura said:
    put it back.
    I can't now. And I had asked a mod to delete it about 2 weeks ago...So...
  • Eric Chadwick
    It's generally a poor move to delete posts when there's a lot of discussion around them. Leaves a gaping hole. Better to just own up to your mistakes.

    We will delete threads on OP request if there's a good reason, like they're being unduly harrassed or doxxed or whatnot.

    I can restore this one, but the OP still has the power to delete it again. Every OP does. Otherwise you couldn't update your first post with new art.

    Whatevs. Learning experience I suppose.
  • sacboi
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    Wasn't planning hitting this thread up again, ever!...but... 

    skyboyfly said:

    Look I'm sorry I pissed people off... Alright. Now I plan on deleting this post, and start posting my projects, to show you I'm not entirely full of bull-shit

    It definitely takes a pair coming back from; Considering your aforementioned age. Not many people twice your age or more for that matter would have the guts to be honest, whilst also taking user profile anonymity into account to boot.

    As an aside, based upon various vigorous 'arty' debates partaken over two-'n-a-half decades doing my fair share spent expending copious amounts of mainly verbal-come-text-string diarrhoea out into cyberspace. This singular discussion was rather tame in comparison however informative as it turns out on the whole.

    Anyways believe or not, really up too you, I'll be interested seeing some examples...character skewed content I'm assuming? 

    skyboyfly said:

    I can't now. And I had asked a mod to delete it about 2 weeks ago...So...

    You've left a copy of your OEM thread starter, about 20 posts in, on page 1. I recommend leaving it there. Not because of forum etiquette per se, it just gives continuity of reason for the reader, if he/she happens to browse by wondering what the fuck went down here in the first place.

    (...and Admin if you'll be so kind, re-instate the original thread title please. n/a looks silly, in amongst the day to day chatter) 

    Lastly I'm usually not one for acknowledged corrections all that much, but I'll make an exception in this case. Don't take too heart what I wrote, wasn't meant to be a deliberate attempt making fun of your vision. It's just that I've seen tons of similar threads from young ones so yeah I kind've don't mince my words, it's pretty clear what I think on a topic most of the time.

    Ach!...I'm as old as dirt, been doing this CG shit off-n-on longer than you've been alive or it could also be that I'm just a grumpy old sod most of the time too.

    Hmm...sounds about right now I think on it?!

  • Michael Knubben

    skyboyfly said:
    I can't now. And I had asked a mod to delete it about 2 weeks ago...So...
    You're in luck! I found it and restored your first post.
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