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Hey Polycounters !
I want to share with you a little project I start working on lately, a scene called The Hero Tomb. Basically it's the Tomb of Link, decayed and forgotten.
I always really loved the world of Zelda, especially all the folklore and legends around it. My favorite part of that universe is the reincarnation of the hero. I'm also passionnate by architecture so I though why not merge those two ideas ? So I start wandering what could have look like an old Link tomb.
Of course it's an excuse to do a personnal piece on my free time, I hope I will finish it and it will worth a look.
Here are some of my references :

My concepts Arts and Designs so far :

And because it's a personnal project, I start with the hero asset


Some Materials tests :

Comments and critics are of course welcome !
Still really WIP but it's slowly coming I guess.
I will now maybe move on the mockup of the room.
I'm looking forward to see your progress
Keeping an eye on this for sure.
part of me wishes your recorded the whole thing and shared it.
Edit: My only criticism would be if to see if you can change this...
From that angle it looks like stretched texture.
Crazy_pixel Yes I will add foliages to add a decayed feeling. Will do it on the final scene I guess.
Justin DeVore I will find some time to share some tips about the wood.
ziikutv I see what you mean, it's reallly coming from the spot of the camera, Will try to add modeling to break that feeling.
Here are some retakes I made today, Mainly adding painted eyes and retake the wood/Paint balance and noise.
Here is what I have so far :
I think the mouth is protruding out a bit too much, Makes his chin seem non existant.
Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
ziikutv >>> I hope to achieve the same atmosphere with the environment. Don't know if I will have the time to reccord everything but you can ask for specific points or pipeline parts and I can do some specific break downs. After all it's what polycount is all about
Segreto and pmiller001 >>> Hey thanks guys
rohMizuno >>> Nope it's a square wood dowel. If you don't understand it at first glance it means that I maybe need to remove or retake it.
But, to me, it doesn't seem like you need a dowel there. You do not have any separate geometry (two parts that are being connected). Also, most dowels in even today's time are hidden out of sight or blended in using same color or with an adhesive.
Maybe turn it into a rounded part and add some "seams" to make it apparent the head is different than the shoulders. If they are one piece, remove as you thought
One last thing (sorry I am giving a lot of what I think is good feedback, because I am super stoked about this) if that metal (earrings and buckle) is copper, I think as it degrades, it will get black spots.
ziikutv >>> That's fine I'm stocked about that project as well
Wood dowels are something I really like about furnitures or carpentry because it give an artisannal and organic feeling to things. I apply it here like if the statue was not made in one piece, head, bust, arms and legs are separates. The jonction between head/bust is the collar and around the cap.
Thing is it's totally an artistic, artificial recipe but I hope it will add a creepy kind of Majora's Mask feeling to the scene more than an ikea mood like a modern dowel with adhesive could do.
Bruno Afonseca >>> I will try to make some little breakdowns along the way
Another thing I just noticed which you might disagree on is that the eyes kind of have the "deer in the headlights" kinda look, and I'm not sure if that's the look you're going for. Other than that, I'm really loving how the project is going. c:
Didn't spend too much time on the scene lately. Just have enough time to chose some references and make a quick paint over on the 3d mock up for the room.
I'm going for a medieval Schrine mood with an asian twist in it. I will try to keep that colored primitive art atmosphere in the whole scene.
Mood Board for the room :
Concept Art of the Room :
Asset Dispatch :
Texture Set Listing :
The texture layout are not the one I will end up with, this texture set mood board is more to have a visual support to list everything instead of having a simple list with wallstone01, stone floor02, etc..
Here are my last progress :
what about all the dirty crustiness??
I will try to put more breakdowns soon.
Tad>>>> No photos were harmed during the creation process of those materials. The crustiness is coming from me
Kyetja>>>> Yes it's just some flying GEO with the Decal Material on it at the moment.
Curently working on a Tainted Glass recipe, still a lot to do but here is where I am so far,
Lot of work inside it I guess I will share the sources when I,m done with it or create a Tutorial, or both
The final Render
Material composition
Some variations depending on Mortar amount and Heights blend.
Playing with a gradient on top of my mask
Main steps
What did you guys think about it ?
Anyway, amazing job so far! I cannot wait to see these elements come together!