Hi Polycount, first time making my own thread so bare with me!
Recently I've been working on a game-ready sci-fi environment for University. The aim was to utilise the vertex normal editing, tiling textures + floating geometry technique, based off of the Overwatch art style. The aim of the environment is to showcase a research lab that experiments with plants in space.
Most recent:

I want to be able to capture the style of Overwatch, while also not influencing from the game too much, and this is something I've been struggling with, which is creating its own identity. Feedback is very much appreciated and welcome, as I want to improve for the final deliverable. Currently a lot of the work is in a first pass state, including lighting and materials.
So far this is the most complete part of the environment so far, as most assets done are modular wall pieces:

This is what some of the wires look like showcasing the vertex normal + decals. Currently the shader doesn't really work well with metallic objects, so the screws around the side are using projection decals:

Here's the block-out that was done a while ago. The glass on the right is to represent a cabinet where plants are kept in a controlled environment. The doorway on the left will be closed off, and the main focus of the environment will be in this room only.

Pretty much all materials done so far are still in first pass state. I know already that the trim material and the decals could've made better use of the UV space, but hey, you live and learn ;D. Anyway here's some Marmoset previews so far:

But yeah anyway will be posting updates here, and if anyone has any suggestions, feedback or critiques it is very much welcome. Does it look like it could belong in the Overwatch environment? Does it influence it too much? What improvements would you make if this was your project? Thanks for checking this out!
Also trying out some of the set design and what kind of assets it will include. Thinking of a hologram of the moon
Are you using Unity?
New update. Came back to this project as I wasn't happy with what I handed in to Uni, so been trying to improve where I left off from last time.
Still trying to figure out what exactly the room should be populated with. Right now its just pretty barren. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear it!
Can also be seen on Artstation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Y2eBV