Should we change up the site theme once a month?
Vanilla won't allow us to provide a list of skins for users to pick from. But we can easily swap the colors site-wide, as often as we wish. I'm thinking we try a rotating set of themes, switched once a month. What say you?
Any ideas for color schemes you would like? The wiki has a few examples of
past themes.
Here's the April Fools theme, in case you missed it:

But hey, if people don't want it then I'll keep quiet.
Could always tie it in with some art contest regarding retrograde art, rewards can be as simple as forum titles or badges. Basic community level stuff.
ah well. To Stylish it is!
Yeah a bit of fun couldn't hurt!
The maker knows, sure could use a shot in the arm silly 'shenanigans' every once in a while, especially nowadays with an exponentially increasing quantity of faecal matter worldwide hitting the fan.
...besides a pretty cool idea as well, I'm in. But open it up too encompass both digital and traditional 2¢
User selected would be cool so it's a shame that is off the table.