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The Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge (Challenge 5 & 6 & MeetMat17)

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3DKyle interpolator

Hello everyone, welcome to the Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge. 

How it works
  • Every 2 weeks a new reference will be shared to be recreated, you are also encouraged to find your own reference, as long as it still fits the topic for that bi-weekly substance, for example if we share a mud reference, you can gather you own mud reference. 
  • You can be creative with the reference and make it look either realistic, stylized or hand-painted, it is up to you.

  • Try and give constructive criticism, giving and receiving this should help each of us artist grow.
  • This is a Substance Challenge, so stick with that software.
  • You can post Wip's and finished materials here. 
  • Don't share work you've done in the pass, if you done a material before, try it again don't try pass old work off as something you did for this. 
  • Final material renders to be rendered in a real-time engine (Marmoset, UE4, Unity, Cryengine, Stingray, IRay is also accepted).
  • This is a learning experience for all, don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • Learn all that you can and do share what you also learn. 
  • Please be respectful to each and everyone. 

We have a channel in the Allegorithmic Discord group where you can share WIP's and final images as well as discuss the challenge, Click here to go to it.
If you have any other questions in relations to any of the Allegorithmic's software, use the appropriate channels for those questions.


Previous Challenges

Challenge 5 - Raise the roof! (Roof Shingles) || 1st April - 15th April.
Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.

Challenge 6 - Taking a swim (Sea Foam) || 16th April - 30th April.
Click the pictures for bigger resolutions. 

MeetMat17 - Allegorithmic Contest || April 27th - May 11th.
Click here for more information. 
The guys at Allegorithmic wanted me to hold off on the challenges for now and I think as a cool challenge it would be good to see people trying out Substance Painter also and trying out this new contest. 
Now for those who may not be interested in doing this, you can either push the other challenges that have been done and make them better or if you never got the chance to do one, go back and give it a try. So this gives people time to catch up with the challenge. 
I will be posting a new challenge between the 8th and 11th however if you want to wait. 
Hope you guys are okay with this. 


  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    @Daniel_Swing Unfortunately I don't think that's the case here. Indeed it was 10x10, here it is at 5x5...

  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    Some really cool stuff here everyone! I love how varied everyone's take on it is this time. :)

    Here's mine so far. Ideally I'd like to make quite a few improvements + add realistic moss forms and colors before deadline. 

  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    hello, I'm starting with 'marseille tiles' type of roofing. First shapes are done. Need to add some extra shapes to the main tile though.

  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    I've started on my second roof: Feel free to give feed-back.

  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    Here we go some old barrel tiles :) what do yous think?
  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    That looks pretty nice @Daniel_Swing really looks like clay tiles for sure. 

  • Zombiecrackers
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    Zombiecrackers polycounter lvl 5
    Did some more work on the tiles changed the overall shape to a more cylinder like one, however It's not really popping how I want it to height is pretty high but it only seems to be making the tiles thicker underneath doesn't look as bad on the plane geo but still lacking that depth others have achieved here :/ CC please! :) 

  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    I'm trying to create a combined luminance  map with my cylinder shingles and flat square back tiles. Only way I can do it is by creating a levels mask but no matter what setting I have it leaves lines behind (the thick lines are ok but the thin ones are causing issues). I guess I could just leave them separated, just means a lot more nodes running through more direction warps. 

  • JayS
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    JayS polycounter lvl 8
    went with simple square roof tiles 

  • Merlynn
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    Merlynn polycounter lvl 8
    Cool stuff so far! Here is my final entry. Thanks a lot for all the feedback everyone. Really helped to push this forward.
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    Merlynn said:
    Cool stuff so far! Here is my final entry. Thanks a lot for all the feedback everyone. Really helped to push this forward.
    Looking good :) if there was one thing I'd suggest is to warp your cracks using your height more it kind of looks like you've multiplied a chipped cells node over the whole surface it travels to well to the next tile. 
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    Here is a quickly rushed put together update of my progress still far. Mainly still focusing on height/roughness still, need to add colour, grunge, splatters, dirt gather etc. Not quite sure how to create a good dirt mask in terms of masking the corners of certain elements. I have attempted it in the past via a bit in a tutorial but never quite works out as I intented, so am interesting if anyone knows of any tutorials that cover such techniques as I'd love to see how others do it. Anyway, glad this is finally going in the right direction. Took many attempts! Also threw in my current roughness, I'm always curious about roughness feedback as am still getting my head around it. 

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    Just dropping in to give some feedback. Still very busy so I can't join in again quite yet but hopefully soon. 

    @Nathan3D Looks very good. The moss I feel seems a little stringy at parts. Would be cool to see a little more definition on the moss too as it's seems a little flat. What kind of reference did you use for the moss? 

    @Zombiecrackers You want to tone down on the chips on the edges because at the moment it looks a little too wavy. IT's also looking really flat in parts like you kind of just painted over the material. Like this image, this part just doesn't look right, the brush stroke makes the material look really flat on that part. 
    Have you got an ambient occlusion map as well? Might help with some definition. 

    @JayS I love the way each tiles sits on each other. Try no to go to overboard with the height on the bricks and some look super thick but I'm not sure what reference you based it on. 

    @Merlynn I agree with Nathan, you cracks look a bit odd, you want to try and make each tile separate and the cracks make them seem like they are built from the same tile. 

    @capone Looks like it is coming together, next time try upload a different angle of your material as it's hard to see the whole thing in that image. Make it a little more faced on. 

    Keep up the good work everyone. 
  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    @capone: I think you should pull down the intensity of the cracks and the grunge on the height-map quite a lot, make it more subtle.
    As for the roughness: I usually start with the height map as a base and adjust the levels a bit (I invert the values sometimes, depending on the material, if the surface or the crevasses/edge-wear/cracks are rough). I think your roughness is a bit too diverse in values, I think you should pull everything more towards a very light-gray value.
    As for the dirt: I didn't learn it through a tutorial, I just played around with the mask generators until I got the hang of it. The 'dirt mask generator' and the 'mask builder' (also exists in Substance Painter) are really good dirt masks.
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    Very cool and varied stuff coming out of this theme, I love it. :) 

    Here's my final entry! More images on Artstation : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/V9QPX

  • Dickie
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    Dickie polycounter lvl 9
    @JoachimC really nice entry dude, would be nice to switch up the cracks as they've very uniform, not sure I'm convinced roof tiles would crack that way. Also could do with some hue variation in the base tiles, but that's personal preference.

    @JayS would be good to see your reference, I might pull the saturation in a little
    Been working on it a bit more, mainly splitting into generators for reuse, in Substance:

    In Marmoset:

    Final Textures:

    Having some issues getting Marmoset and Substance to line up properly, otherwise pretty happy with it. Crit welcome!

  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    Feel like I'm about halfway there at this point. Need to try a dirt/moss gather pass as well as lots of refining/tweaking. Couple of questions;

    1) On the far right I've posted a close up of my base colour. I often plug a noise map (with various blurs/levels/scans etc) into a gradient node and use 'pick' to get a set of colours. Looks fine from a distance on the model but looks ugly when up close in the flat base colour map. It looks very noisy but on the other end if I use the original noise or blur it looks like artificial swirls everywhere.

    2) How do you hide the environment background in the 3D viewport? Can't even find it in the help menu.

  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    capone said:
    Feel like I'm about halfway there at this point. Need to try a dirt/moss gather pass as well as lots of refining/tweaking. Couple of questions;

    1) On the far right I've posted a close up of my base colour. I often plug a noise map (with various blurs/levels/scans etc) into a gradient node and use 'pick' to get a set of colours. Looks fine from a distance on the model but looks ugly when up close in the flat base colour map. It looks very noisy but on the other end if I use the original noise or blur it looks like artificial swirls everywhere.

    2) How do you hide the environment background in the 3D viewport? Can't even find it in the help menu.

    I've done this in the past what I've done is just pick some colours and on the first colour put the alpha to 0 so that only some of the noise is overlayed onto the base and you can control how much is shown by changing the alpha point up the colour picker. 

    Click environment at the top of the 3d view and should be edit then in the properties window beside your graph view check enabled to say false :) 
  • kellyk7
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    kellyk7 polycounter lvl 5
    @capone I really like the white grunge on the tiles, my crit would be that your cracks look too well placed and some of them carry on over to other tiles. I used a pixel processor node when doing similar things on my tile so it wasn't all uniform. Not sure if any one else has other methods for this. They also seem too prominent and what I focus on the most when looking at the texture. Maybe tone them down a bit? It's coming a long though!

    @JoachimC Love the colour variation and shapes

    Here's my entry:

  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    kellyk7 said:
    @capone I really like the white grunge on the tiles, my crit would be that your cracks look too well placed and some of them carry on over to other tiles. I used a pixel processor node when doing similar things on my tile so it wasn't all uniform. Not sure if any one else has other methods for this. 

    I need to really look into this pixel processor node. I currently use the luminosity in tiling nodes to get a map to plug into a direction warp to avoid patterns like cracks crossing over (though clearly it's not working properly here). The other method is a node someone made called 'Randomizer_Mask_v2' that takes any pure white areas surrounded by black and gives them a different tone like a luminosity map.

    I think part of the issue is where I had to clamp (with a levels) on my tile/shingle shape to make it pure white for a mask to then turn into a luminosity. I notice that you have to be really careful with the clamp as too much one way will make it bigger/smaller than the original. Can't find a sure fire way of making sure they stay exactly the same size.
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7
    @Dickie Thanks! You are very right with that feedback. I was thinking of doing a better version of my cracks material but didn't have the time so I left it for now. :) I love how realistic yours looks btw! Really well done.

    @kellyk7 Thanks very much! I like the subtle hue variations and dark grime you have in yours.
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    Had a little play tonight, trying to improve base colours (less noisy) and cracks. They 100% do not pass from one tile to the other now from what I can make out. I tried dropping their opacity but it looked strange. I think the issue isn't the strength of the cracks but just the cracks not being very good. I just used the cells3 node, then messed around with levels, blurs, scans, slopes and warps.

    attempt 2

  • etienneh99
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    etienneh99 polycounter lvl 3
    My entry for the challenge.

  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18

    Made better cracks, though I think they could be implemented better. 

    Think a big part of it is the 'random mask' setting I use is pretty limited. Hard to explain but the end result always ends up with two many close together where it doesn't look natural.

    Added moss too but not quite sure how I can blur JUST the edges of the moss mask. Tried bevel, edge detect, distance etc.

    I'm trying to aim more for this ref...

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    @capone Might want to use a levels or histogram range to tone down those peaks on the moss and sticks out too much. Changing the levels also might help make it look like it's sitting more on top of the tiles as at the moment it looks like it's inside the tile. 

    @etienneh99 Nice entry. Very interesting design too.

    @kellyk7 Looks good, height looks like. I think you could push the roughness a bit more. 

    @Dickie Lovely work. Very clean looking. Well done. 

    @JoachimC Awesome material, looks pretty stylized, like has that Borderlands look to it. Good work!
  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    Just made the finishing touches, so I'm calling both of these done (unless anyone can point out something that I really should fix).

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    Very nice lighting @Daniel_Swing You'll have to give me tips on how you achieve such a nice look. 
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    Well this is odd, I really wasn't that pleased with my Substance but once I brought it into Marmoset it really helped bring it alive. Anyway since last time I've made a few tweaks, mainly the moss which is better but not as good as I hoped. I keep making the same mistake of being overly ambitious and getting carried away. I really need to concentrate on the fundamentals of PBR. As a non PBR texture, I'm pleased with how this turned out but looking at the texture maps individually I'm disappointed but eager to get better with the next challenge.

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    The new challenge has started! This time Sea foam! 
    Hopefully you guys like this one and I look forward to seeing what people come up with. 

    If you want any tips on this you can grab Chris Hodgson's Substance Material Collectrion for $25. It is full of great stuff and one of them being a foam sea Substance. https://gumroad.com/l/yKuIQ
  • ansh0488
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    ansh0488 polycounter lvl 11
    @etienneh99 - Looks nice. 
    @capone - Love the grunge.Just one thing that's standing out is, there's no damage on the curved ones. 
    @Dickie - Nice one. And yes, it's a hassle to get the same look in Marmoset as the one in Designer. Have to go back & forth a couple of times. :)

    Here's my entry for the challenge. Normal & the moss variation. C/c are most welcome.

  • etienneh99
  • pixelheld1
    Hey guys,
    skipped the roof but here is my try for the Sea Foam

    First pic is from Substance Designer and the second from Marmoset

    What do you think?
    Dunno why but my Marmoset renders always looking not that good, cant handle this well

    Im begining my 2 years degree in Game art in a few month and i am really looking forward to it :)

  • Daniel_Swing
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    Daniel_Swing ngon master
    @3DKyle : Thank you! Do you mean tips on just the lighting or the entire material? Because the lighting is very simple: I just fiddled with the ambient sky light and rotation and added a directional light, pointing down towards the camera to add the darker shadows. If you mean the entire material, I'll have to take some time to clean up the graph and take screenshots.

    Also, awesome idea for challenge #6! Really wasn't expecting that.
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    I had Chris Hodgeson's material collection previously so rebuilt his sea foam. You know, this challenge is a weird one, I think it will be more difficult to critique because it's really about the subtleties but it's tricky to point those out. There are things that could be improved but I can't nail down what it is exactly. I'd also like to take this base and try something else, foamy sewer water? I need to look up more reference!

    It's always interesting rebuilding other artist's substances, with this one I'm really curious about the 'multi directional warp' because I couldn't find it in SD6 so had top copy/paste that node. Would I be right in thinking that this node was before 'directional warp' was made and it overtook this node? Though they do both seem to behave different so perhaps both have their advantages. Also I had never used 'Non Uniform Blur' before, really interesting being able to blur masked areas. Am sure I'll be reusing that node elsewhere in the future.

    Anyway, here it is. I'll try adding/changing it over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully can get ideas and inspiration from other people here.

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    @capone Don't just recreate Chris version of this. Try and do your own completely from scratch using the ideas from Chris as it's about challenging yourself.
     In regards to the Multi-directional warp, this following tutorial was used. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDQHKT7uAho 

    I totally agree this is a strange one, but that is what is fun about it. I think materials with subtle details can be pretty challenging as I know I do as well as others like the details to stand out, but realistic most materials have such subtle details. 

    I look forward to how you go about doing this and looking forward to seeing everyone's. 
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18

    Yes, just to be clear the above isn't my entry. I've never done a liquid in Substance so wanted to follow someone's process to get an idea of what it involves. I've since been looking up reference and noticing some have these super fine lines, almost like the fat in a piece of meat. I'd like to try and capture that. I know someone recently made a substance meat but I don't know if they showed any of their techniques, not quite sure how you'd get those kind of lines. I'm sure it's more complex than making multiple warped cracks.

    As well as a more 'dirty' color I'm also going to try and make the water seem more shallow, with hints of rocks underneath. 

    On a more microlevel detail would be nice to do something like this with the bubbles 

    but argh I keep getting too ambitious with my substances and end up rushing them towards the end so will see how this goes.
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    Yikes this is a tough one! just made this mask from scratch. Lots of trial and error but it's generally what I'm after but curious if anyone has feedback before I continue later in the week. I'm trying to replicate that effect in the top photo of the previous post. I'm thinking it's too angular. Perhaps the inner swirls are too similar in width in general, more variation in thicknesses. 

  • Bruno Afonseca
    I'm late and trying to catch up with you all :)
    Here's where I'm at with the tile roof:

    And here's my manhole from the previous challenge: http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2539301/#Comment_2539301
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7

    this is a start, not in love with it yet though will do some more to it later
  • JoachimC
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    JoachimC polycounter lvl 7

    Did my file setup and a couple of first experiments today. Not clear where I'm going yet either but playing around has been interesting... :) 
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    calling this finished what do yous think?

  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10
    A bit late to the party, but heres my finished rooftiles:

    And here is my first iteration for the sea foam:

  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    @Nathan3D Looks good, try get some SSS on it to make it look like the light in bouncing inside the water. 
  • KevMcG
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    KevMcG null
    Had time today to knock out a very quick test for the water.

    Not the greatest looking thing in the world but I was mostly trying to get the colour of the water to work. Will probably start from scratch again when I'm happy with how the colours end up.
  • Bruno Afonseca

    Current state of my tile roof!
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    @3DKyle i tried too but toolbag wasnt having any of it lol, ill have another look at it.
    @K awesome stuff man 
    I like the feeling of depth in the water you have looking like a good start
  • capone
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    capone polycounter lvl 18
    Oh my, I'm finding this really difficult. Some cool elements here but as whole it isn't that appealing to me. I really like what @K has done, I think I much prefer the horizontal lines of foam rather than circular swirly stuff everywhere.

  • suspectlogic
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    suspectlogic polycounter lvl 13
    hey everyone! work took up a good chunk of my time the past week and a half, but i was able to focus on a few things here and there. mainly worked on adding more weathering and moss. I also went back and optimized the nodes to work more off a single height map chain rather than a long series of combined normal map nodes. it was starting to lag a bit :P

    the water challenge looks like fun btw, can't wait to get started.
  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks guys! Much appreciated :D
  • K
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    K polycounter lvl 10

    Current state of my tile roof!
    Nice height man!
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