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Short Acting Piece

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KimbraS null
Hey there! 

I just found out about Polycount, and I'm blown away by all the talent and inspiration around here! I'd love to learn and grow with everyone.  

This is the most recent piece for my demo reel. I haven't tackled the mouth at all, so right now the focus is on how the body moves and whether the story works. I can use all fresh eyes and feedback I can get: https://syncsketch.com/sketch/142591#166480

Thanks so much guys!


  • KimbraS
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    KimbraS null
    I posted an updated piece with polish and lipsync :)
  • Green_Cheek_Conure
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    Green_Cheek_Conure polycounter lvl 2
    Before any animation tips, I'm a little confused on whats going on in this shot.

    What is the story being told in this shot, and what is the character thinking to make Plan B, be kill each other? That isn't really clear to me atm.
  • tiagosol
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    tiagosol polycounter lvl 3
    yeap I agree with Green_Cheek, before starting to polish or create more animation. I think is need it to have a clear idea of what the character is thinking and doing. First. Is always good to have some storyboard with drawings over your audio and plan. That way you can find a general idea and see if the message you want to send is clear.
  • Green_Cheek_Conure
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    Green_Cheek_Conure polycounter lvl 2
    One idea to make the shot make a little bit more sense (atleast from what I think i understand from the shot) is. . .

    Try placing a sign that says Carpentry competition, or carpentry class above where the character is(Also make a quick simple room where it can hang off of, so it isn't just hovering there) and pan down from the sign to your current animation after giving 2-3 seconds for the viewer to rejester what the sign says. That should let the viewer have a better understanding of the context of the shot,
  • KimbraS
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    KimbraS null
    I appreciate the feedback, guys! I'll have to brainstorm some solid ways to set up the joke so it'll land better. 

    @Green_Cheek_Conure  The carpentry competition/class sign is a good idea. I was thinking along the lines of a failed Ikea chair between roommates, haha. Maybe I could put some sort of box or logo and linger on it for a few seconds like you suggested. 

    Thanks again : )
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