A wrote a mel script that bakes animations into blendshapes.
What you can do with this:
- Bake skeletal animations into blendshapes- Bake Ncloth, deformer, and MASH animations into blendshapes- Combine multiple skin mesh renderers into a single blendshape for Unity and other real-time applications.I need people to test it so please check it out! We've been using it for effects and optimizing for VR.
There's still some bugs and inefficiencies which is why I need people to test it.
If you have any questions please feel free to ping me.
How it works:Select the objects you want to bake.
Run the script.
It saves a temp file so you don't accidentally overwrite your rig file off in the default projects directory when you run.
A blendshape with the name "blendshape_geo" will be generated which should have a blendshape node attached.
Any feedback would be great!Here it is:
//Last updated: 3/29/2017
// A script for baking mesh animations into blendshapes.
// Can be used to take skeletal animations and bake them down into in-betweened blendshapes.
// Allows for inbetweens to remain in blendshape for smoother animations.
// Written by J. Gomez and E. Arny
// Renames file to avoid overwriting original file. This saves to the default project in Maya, ovewriting itself as you use it.
file -rename "TEMP_BLENDSHAPE_BAKE.ma"; file -save -type "mayaAscii";
//Checks for and renames old blendshapes
string $attachedBlendshapes[] = `ls -type blendShape`;
int $bsArrayIndex = 0;
string $arraySizeBS = size($attachedBlendshapes);
int $arrayCount = $arraySizeBS;
print $arrayCount;
for ($arrayCount != 1; $arrayCount = 1; $bsArrayIndex++)
print $attachedBlendshapes[$bsArrayIndex];
select $attachedBlendshapes[$bsArrayIndex];
rename blendshape_old_1;
// $bsArrayIndex++;
print $bsArrayIndex;
// Setting timeslider to 1
currentTime -edit 1;
// Delcares and sets ints that represent the start and end time slider values, as well as ints I need to reset later. The first couple stay the same; the next two store time values but need to change as frames are generated.
int $startFrame = `playbackOptions -q -minTime`;
int $endFrame = `playbackOptions -q -maxTime`;
int $i = $startFrame;
int $end = $endFrame;
// Takes the selected object and stores its name in a variable
string $polyName[] = `ls -sl`;
string $frameName = "frame_1";
// A for loop to repeat the duplicating until the last frame; had to ad one to the arguments to get the last frame to copy.
for($i; $i < $end + 1 ; $i = $i + 1)
// Selecting the original object, renaming the currently selected object $frameName, going forward one frame
select $polyName;
duplicate -rr;
rename $frameName;
// Duplicating the first frame for use as the blendshape, and declaring a string that concatanates the name to form the last frame name.
duplicate frame_1;
int $duplicateFrame = $end;
$lastFrame = "frame_" + $duplicateFrame;
// Resetting i to 1 for the first frame of the next for loop, then resetting the time to 1 for the loop.
$i = $startFrame;
currentTime -edit $i;
// A for loop for selecting all of the generated frames.
global proc SelectMeshFrames(int $i, string $frameName, int $end)
for($i; $i < $end + 1 ; $i = $i + 1)
$frameName = "frame_" + $i;
select -add $frameName;
// Setting the $frameName string to be frame_$i, Adds the duplicated first frame mesh to the selection
$frameName = "frame_" + $i;
select -add $frameName;
// Adding the blendshape node to the duplicated first frame, then clearing selection.
blendShape -tc 0 -ib -n "blendshape_01";
select -clear;
// Selecting the duplicated first frame mesh, then renaming the duplicated first frame mesh to a generic name, "blendshape_geo", then clearing selection.
select $frameName;
rename $frameName blendshape_geo;
select -clear;
// Resetting i to 1 for the first frame of the next for loop, setting time to 1 for the for loop, then renaming the mesh.
$i = $startFrame;
currentTime -edit $i;
$frameName = "frame_" + $i;
// Selecting all generated frames for deletion
SelectMeshFrames($startFrame + 1, "blendshape_geo", $endFrame + 1);
//Trying to automatically select blendshape node and create a linear animation curve between $startFrame and $endFrame for easy export.
//select -add blendshape_geo;
//Getting name together
//string $blendshapeName = "blendshape" + "_" + $endFrame;
//string $blendshapeProperty = "." + "frame" + "_" + $end;
//print $blendshapeName;
//print $blendshapeProperty;