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Ancient Civilizations : Akahata, The Crabby Demon

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charloso3224 polycounter lvl 4

The Maori Warrior: Akahata, The Crabby Demon

Hi everyone, I decided to model a Maori warrior and created a plot for him. 

On Aputa Island a maori tribe was living from the fishing. This people began to abuse the life of the sea, hurting the aquatic ambiance and exaggerating on the practice of fishing. The mighty Gods of the ocean, outraged by such act, warned the maori people only to hunt the sufficient to kill their hunger. But the tribe did not listen to the gods, keeping the unbridled slaughter and direspecting the nature.The Gods of the Ocean, tired of the arrogance and ambition of men, sent their powerfull creatures from the depths to punish the tribe and destroy the island.Akahata was one of the warriors of the maori tribe who served to protect the island from foreign threats. He fought and drove out many of those creatures back to the ocean.One day, though, one of the most powerfull monsters emerged from the furious salty water. The giant crab invaded the beach and without hesitation killed many of the maori warriors, but not Akahata. He standed fiercely against the giant crab and made him retreat. At that moment Akahata was sure he faced a magnificent creature, equal to his own strenght.After the battle he carved many crab tattoos on his skin, not only to remember the memorable battle, but also as a form to express his new desire of reincarnate as a giant crab in his next life.Akahata waited for days on the shore for the counter attack of that creature. When the giant monster finally arrived they started to fight against each other one more time. Hurted and tired, Akahata was the winner again, but he decided to not kill the crab. He tamed the sea beast. After that battle, they fought as one.


  • charloso3224
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    charloso3224 polycounter lvl 4

    Akahata, The Crabby Demon : Wip 

    I've been working on his right arm and put those protections on the arm he uses to strike the enemies. I worked on a concept of resemblance to the arm of a crab and carved some symbols on the surface of the forearm. These symbols have a meaning about strength, transformation and new beginning.

    This is only an initial blocking, I have not detailed and I intend to take the time to detail the cracks and texture of the hull

    The areas with masks indicate the regions that I intend to tattoo

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