Hey, I just tarted out using UE4, and I'm also pretty new to game engines, just started learning how to use!
So i modeled my scene in 3ds max and i tried to import it into UE4, after that i applied a material to it just a basic material with color and roughness to give it a plastic look and built the lightning and got these weird artifacts, at first i thought they were the because i was only using a directional light so i added a few lights thought it but the artifacts are still there...
I have Uv maped everything and there are no overlapping uv's, i really don't understand why this is happening

All support and feedback welcome!
PS: Pls Halp !

* Check your smoothing groups (This should NOT be the problem)
* The way you Stitch together your UVs could cause artifacts. (Check some tutorials online)
* When importing your meshes, see if unreal creates their own Lightmap. (You want to use your own for better quality.)
* Read everything:
- https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Content/Types/StaticMeshes/LightmapUnwrapping/
- https://wiki.unrealengine.com/LightingTroubleshootingGuide
Get back to me if you didn't solve it.
If you solve it, get back to me anyway. I'd like to know what went wrong
Thanks alot for the links !
The problem were the lightmaps, it was creating its own !
But now I've got another problem
In 3ds max i modeled everything in a group, like this :
Each model in the group has their own uv's but when i export the group into an fbx and import them to UE4 the uvs get all compacted into one...
Is there anyway to export a group without doing that ?
Thank you a lot for the help !