My interpretation of a concept by Trevor Claxton I used Vitaly Burgalov's excellent 3d kitbash for some of the mechanical parts. I also applied Jonas Ronnegard’s great hard surface alphas for some of the detailing. Special thanks to Erwan Mayel, Frederic Daoust, Phil Dugas and of course Trevor Claxton. Here is some of the though process I went through while creating this work. I hope it can be instructive. Thank you.
Thanks for writing WayWO and Chris. I'm glad you like it.
Hi Fweddy. I can share with you the tutorial of a friend for hard surface in zbrush : This is basically how I work also. Best of luck.
I'm struggling with hard surface in ZBrush myself, and I was wondering if you had any tips you could give to someone relatively new to 3D.
Hi Fweddy. I can share with you the tutorial of a friend for hard surface in zbrush :
This is basically how I work also. Best of luck.
thanks for sharing