Hey all!

We're a team of students working on our project, Pathfinder. It's still in progress so any feedback we could get would be awesome.
The game centres around Colin, a galactic hauler who signs a 2 year contract to maintain, alone, the behemoth cartographic vehicle, Pathfinder. Undertaking this job to fund the education of his recent partner, Olivia, she sends audio messages daily until he arrives at the planet, after which he awakes from stasis and begins to listen to the backlog of messages.
Our uni brief is just for a trailer or cinematic sequence, but we want to have something playable too. Thematically, its similar to Firewatch, with very light "mechanics" running alongside the story, however our main focus has been visuals, where our biggest source of inspiration has been Alien Isolation.
Here's a WIP trailer, and below are some updated shots of each room with a quick texturing pass. These are by no means finished, we just wanted to get some basic material separation and also try and work out our colour scheme.
These images are only with a low resolution lightmap, so ignore any bleeding/jaggies, they're not visible in higher res bakes

Rec room:

Console room:

Engine Room:

Sorry for such an image-heavy post. Thanks for looking, and again, any comments/critique is appreciated