
Hey all it's been a while since I've posted. But I'm back I'm aiming to do my best on this building exterior. I've been learning Substance Designer so any tips will be appreciated. I've been aiming to get my normal's done first. I'm still debating a whole lot of things such as destruction. Thinking decal normal maps to take care of high res normal's. Right now my textures aren't that optimized.
Full model
Eventually going into Unreal 4
Currently rendered in Marmoset 3


Nothing really changed just playing around with lighting in marmoset.
Just a quick update. I think the head adds something to the building. I dug up a really old character I had done and just made a quick bust. I'm not a character artist so I'm mot going to really showcase it. but it's in there.
Doors and door frame update if anyone has any ideas to fill out the interior for or any ideas for an alternate door I'm all ears.
- The top trim of the structure in the reference is more pronounced. That is, it sticks out further from the wall. I think this is actually quite significant in controlling the composition. It creates a stronger taper of the structure and pushes the eye down.
- The depth of the detailing around the door might be slightly too deep or high contrast. Might just be the lighting - I'd consider triple checking against the reference and making sure that detailing doesn't overpower the larger structures of the wall in terms of contrast.
Thanks for the Critique all good stuff I made the modifications to the building today. Nice catch btw. I didn't even notice it was jutting out that far at the top.
I just did a quick bake and tested it inside marmoset. Can't wait to put everything together.
I've been looking at the Division Artwork incessantly. These corners look so nice. I'm not quite sure if it's a plane floating above the corner with this normal map I guess decal on it I highly doubt it's got a small bevel to it and it's modeled in.
If anyone knows and wants to enlighten me feel free.
I have also rerendered my normals out of Marmoset which has made a small difference.
Added some polys
I'm not close to finished at all but. I did make a leap combining a lot of my maps.
I tried a new technique inside zbrush to quickly Boolean. This is a quick test. what do you guys think too much too little?
bump offset
Trying to get a few things ironed out in Unreal Engine. just a quick update I may be swapping jobs soon I'm hoping to get a week in between jobs to really work on this. If that doesn't happen I still have my weekends.
Right now my materials are doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
I have a few more plans to bring some aging to the rest of the assets. more to come soon hopefully.
the rain looks pretty good pretty good pitter pattering on the ground.